Sanctity of Human
Life Sunday

In 1984, President Ronald Regan designated January 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. This proclamation was made after more than a decade of abortion on demand resulting from the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. We praise God that Roe v. Wade has since been overturned! Churches do continue to recognize the third Sunday in January as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. On this day our attention is once again drawn to the harsh reality of approximately 64 million babies lost to abortion. It is also a day to celebrate life and celebrate the lives saved from abortion. 

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a great day to support Oasis Medical Center. We offer bulletin inserts, a speaker for your church, a ministry video to show to your members, and baby bottles to start your Baby Bottle Blessings campaign.

Contact us to plan your Sanctity of Human Life Sunday events at 662.287.8001 or